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Become a Member

To Our Prospective Members:


The Yukon Contractors Association Board of Directors recently decided to reduce the fees for membership in the upcoming year.


This is a pilot program to decide if YCA membership fees are price sensitive, and if it will increase our membership with lower the fees.


Said in another way, 40 members at $750 is better than 20 @ $1,500.


YCA will evaluate this pilot project at the end of 2025 to assess the impact it has had on membership revenues and growth.


YCA has been undertaking important advocacy work over the past year, that affects a broad and diverse range of Yukon contractors and companies. YCA and our sector will benefit from broader participation and support for our advocacy efforts. The Board believes that expanding YCA’s membership would be an effective way to enhance the collection of industry concerns, priorities, and intelligence that will shape our advocacy positions.


Some quick highlights of the current efforts undertaken by YCA, in no particular order

  • YCA has built an open and respectful relationship with the senior management team and political leadership at the Yukon Government.
  • The Yukon First Nation entities engaged in procurement and the Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy (YFNPP) have invited YCA/industry to their meetings and policy deliberations. W have found common ground on several procurement related issues.
  • YCA actively participates as industry representatives on the YFNPP – Monitor and Review Committee. We continue to seek changes to the policy that will mitigate market disruption and promote incentives that will provide measurable benefit to Yukon First Nations as opposed to the current ownership BVR that is being manipulated and abused.
  • YCA has been successful in getting YG to reconsider and pause its proposed Vendor Performance Review program. YCA is at the table in an industry leadership role, collaboratively developing a Project Review Program that focuses on improved project delivery by Contractors, Consultants, and the Owner (YG).
  • Re-animating our concerns around commercial vehicles and the trucking sector, given the pending changes to the Highways Act.
  • Providing feedback and participating in oversight of the Action Plan developed by YG in response to the Auditor General’s Report on YG Procurement.
  • Working with YG to reshape its broader approach to procurement.
  • Building more efficient and effective digital solutions and programs that will enhance member’s access to advocacy activities, CCDC documents, training, communications, industry intelligence, and networking.

YCA welcomes your comments on the Membership Fees Pilot Program, YCA membership benefits, or our advocacy efforts.


Click here for the new membership form. Please complete and return to accounting@yukoncontractors.ca.


Our objective is to represent the collective and common interests of the Yukon construction industry to all levels of government, and to major development groups. We strive to promote harmonious coexistence of northern contractors for the net benefit of our industry as a whole.


YCA Board of Directors

Member List

Aircare Yukon

Suite 204-4103-4th Avenue
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1H6
Phone: 867.333.9929

ALX Exploration & Mining Supplies

33 Levich Dr
Whitehorse, Yt Y1A 0A8
Phone: 867.668.0696

Arcrite Northern Ltd

105 Platinum Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5M3
Phone: 867.668.3053​
Fax: 867/667/4301
Email: walter@klondiker.com
Website: www.arcritenorthern.com

Arctic Backhoe Services Ltd

17 Poplar Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6C9
Phone: 867.633.5951​
Email: arcticbackhoe@arcticbackhoe.ca
Website: www.arcticbackhoe.ca

Associated Engineering (BC) Ltd

301-4109 4th Avenue
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1H6
Phone: 867.456.2711
Cell: 867.335.2539
​Email: bartschs@ae.ca
Website: www.ae.ca

Budget Plumbing & Heating

113 Copper Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2Z6
Phone: 867.633.5646
​Email: budgetplumbingadmin@northwestel.net

Canyon City Construction LP

121A Platinum Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5M3
Phone: 867.633.6585
Cell: 867.333.0409
​Email: office@canyoncityconstruction.com
Website: www.canyoncityconstruction.com

Castle Rock Enterprises

20 Laberage Road

Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5Y8
Phone: 867.668.6188
Fax: 867.633.2621

Cobalt Construction Inc

Mile 923.4 Alaska Highway
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0j9
Phone: 867.668.3004
Email: cobalt@cobaltconstruction.ca

Duncan's Limited

106 Copper Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2Z6
Phone: 867.667.6613
Fax: 867.668.4502

Challenger Geomatics Ltd

302 Jarvis Street

Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2H2
Phone: 867.668.6940
Fax: 867.668.6950

EECOL Electric

9034 Quartz Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2Z5
Phone: 867.633.7711
Fax: 867.668.2171

Emco Corporation

1 114 Calcite Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2Z4
Phone: 867.633.2691
Fax: 867.668.2171

Dynamic Systems Ltd

125 Copper Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2Z7
Phone: 867.667.4354
Fax: 867.668.5909

Energy North Construction Inc

51 Macdonald Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4R1
Phone: 867.667.7415

Fink Machine Inc.

Box 308, Old Vernon Road
​Endersby, BC V0E 1V0
​Phone: (250) 457-7319

Four Point Electric Inc.

14144 Middle Bench Rd.
​Lake Country B.C, V4V 2B9
Phone: 236.578.2002

Jaytech Electric & Controls

138 Industrial Road
Whitehorse YT, Y1A 2V1
Phone: 867.667.7001
Cell: 867-334-2651
Fax: 867.667.7631
Email: jaytech@klondiker.com
Website: wwwjaytechelectric.com

Ketza Construction Corp

107 Platinum Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5M3
Phone: 867.668.5997
Cell: 867-647-286-6447
Fax: 867.667.4149
email: ebrohman@ketza.ca
Website: www.ketza.ca

Guillevin International

113 Platinum Road
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5M3
Office: 1-867-667-6468
Cell: 1-867-332-5536
Email: dstilwell@guillevin.com
Website: www.guillervin.com

Kilrich Building Centres

30 Denver Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7
Phone: 867.668.5958
Cell: 867-332-0189
Fax: 867.668.3682
Email: scott@kilrich.ca
Website: www.kilrich.ca

Klondike Welding Ltd

15C McDonald Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4L1
Phone: 867.633.3355
Fax: 867.633.3915

Johnston Builders Ltd

201 265 Carleton Drive
St. Albert, AB T8N 4J9
Phone: 780.460.0441
Cell: 780.699.5632
Fax: 780.460.0443

MacPherson Rentals

117 Copper Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2Z7
Phone: 867-633-4426

Midnight Sun Drilling Inc

413-108 Elliot St
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6C4
Phone: 867.633.2626
Fax: 867.633.2628

Mercer Contracting

12 Boulder Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S8
Phone: 867-393-3648

Neighbourly North

110 Titanium Way
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0E8
Phone: 867.333.2514

NGC Builders Ltd

7209 7th Avenue
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 1R8
Cell: 867-668-4578
Email: byron@narrowgauge.ca

Norcope Construction

66 River Ridge Lane
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6J9
Phone: 867.668.5851
Fax: 867.633.2620

Nunatak Consulting & Construction

2 Bonanza Place
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5M4
Phone: 867.334.1450

Nuway Crushing Ltd

6 MacDonald Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4Y5
Phone: 867.668.3662

Yukon Equipment Services Ltd

Suite 200-2237-2nd Avenue
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0K7
Phone: 867.668.7886


PO Box 850
Faro, YT Y0B 1K0
Phone: 867.994.2600

Pelly Construction Ltd

111 Industrial Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2T7
Phone: 867.667.6161

Northern Safety Network Yukon

478 Range Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 3A2
Phone: 867.633.6690

Ryfan Electric

Box 4204 Stn Main 485 South Ave
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Phone: 780-571-8023
Email: office@ryfan.ca
Website: www.ryfan.ca

Spectrum Security-Sound Ltd

C-133 industrial RD
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2V2
Phone: 867.633.4694
Fax: 867-668-6320
Email: accounting@spectrumsecurity.ca
Website: www.spectrumsecurity.ca


202 107 Main Street
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2A7
Phone: 867.633.2400
Cell: 867-335-1473
Email: 1449administration@stantec.com
OR: lee.fleming@stantec.com
Website: www.stantec.com

SetPlan Engineering LTD.

401-3106 3rd Avenue
Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 5G1
Cell: 867-335-2810
Email: admin@setplan.ca
Website: www.setplan.ca

Taurus Project Group Inc

11401-85th Avenue
Fort Saskatchewan
Alberta, T8L 0A9

Taylor Architecture Group

Suite 100
2237 Second Avenue
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0K7
Phone: 867.393.2700

TK Elevator

2303 Douglas Road
Burnaby, B.C. V5C 5A9
office 1-604-294-2209
Cell 1-604-861-5480

TSL Contractors Ltd

17 Denver Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4Z6
Phone: 867.667.6156
Fax: 867.668.5809

Underhill Geomatics Ltd

4081 4th Avenue
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1H3
Phone: 867.668.2048
Cell: 867-335-2048 or 867-335-2059
Fax: 867.668.4456
Email: whse@underhill.yk.ca
Website: www.underhill.ca

Venture Elevator Inc

256-2nd Avenue
Prince George BC V2L 2Z5
Phone: 250.596.0449

Wildstone Construction Group

48 Levich Drive
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0A8
Phone: 867.668.7211

Williams Engineering Canada

402 3106 3rd Avenue
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5G1
Phone: 867.445.4737
Toll Free: 1.800.263.2393

Whidden Construction Group

PO Box 1323
Turner Valley, AB T0L 2A0
Phone: 587.999.3420

Wright Construction Western Ltd.

2019 Cleveland Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7K 8A9
Phone: 306.934.0440
Fax: 306.934.4747

WSN Construction

48 Cowansuew Road
Cambridge ON N1R 7N3
Phone: 519.740.3757

Yukon Equipment Services Ltd

17 Kettle Lake Place
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0E5
Phone: 867.335.0244
PO Box 30124 RPO Ogilvie
201 - 302 Steele Street
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5M2
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