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We promote excellence in the Construction Industry by building core values, streamlining opportunities, and providing an effective voice for the local construction industry. ​

Board of Directors

Terry Sherman – Air Care Yukon


Murray Arsenault – Arctic Backhoe Services Ltd.

Vice President

Linda Benoit – Teichroeb Construction & Management Company


Peter Densmore – Ketza Construction Corporation


Jennifer Byram – Pelly Construction Ltd.


Leah Battersby – Ketza Construction Corporation


Corry Martin – Setplan Engineering Ltd.


Noel Mason – Budget Plumbing & Heating Inc.


Wayne Dear – Arctic Backhoe Services Ltd. (retired)


Wayne Cunningham – Kareway Homes Ltd.


Cory Magnuson – Yukon Equipment Services Ltd.




  1. To represent the collective and common interests of the Yukon construction industry to all levels of government and to major development groups
  2. To provide opportunity for the exchange of ideas among members
  3. Encourage the privatization of government services
  4. To promote harmonious coexistence of northern contractors for the net benefit of our industry as a whole
  5. To promote membership throughout the territory
  6.  To continue to work with the Yukon Apprenticeship Program to ensure quality training from our tradespeople
  7. To market our services and expertise, thereby expanding opportunities for employment and business growth

Our Vision

Yukon Contractors Association is a non profit, voluntary membership association which fosters and advances the interests of residential, commercial, industrial and institutional sectors of the construction industry in Whitehorse and the surrounding communities. YCA promotes excellence in contracting. Our core values are to create opportunities, deliver the best leading-edge services and be an effective voice for the local construction industry. YCA represents 70 member companies.


Become a Member

Our objective is to represent the collective and common interests of the Yukon construction industry to all levels of government, and to major development groups. We strive to promote harmonious coexistence of northern contactors for the net benefit of our industry as a whole.

The YCA supports local contractors

The YCA keeps us informed

The Association is great for networking

We appreciate the service that the association has provided us, with respect to projects out for tender

We recognize that YCA's commitment to improve tand keep the lines of communication open with YG and other organizations is valid and worthwhile, and that their facilitation of continual training is essential to this improvement, which ultimately produces quality work from quality contractors

The Yukon Contractors Association is a highliy valued organization providing a consultative role to Government and other Yukon organizations on behalf of the Yukon Construction Industry

PO Box 30124 RPO Ogilvie
201 - 302 Steele Street
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5M2
Providing Information &
Support to Contractors,
Suppliers & Consultants
Big and Small